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Pixel Juice edition by Jeff Noon Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF Pixel Juice  edition by Jeff Noon Literature  Fiction eBooks

'In the first shop they bought a packet of dogseed, because Doreen had always wanted to grow her own dog...'

Pixel Juice is the collected outpourings of an overactive mind. A selection of fifty stories from Jeff Noon's head, each one strange, telling, disturbing, or sometimes just plain wierd.

From the breakdown zones of the mediasphere and the margins of music culture, Jeff Noon samples the image mix. Product recalls, adverts for mad gadjets, dubcut prose remixes, urban fairytales, instructions for lost machines, almost-true tales, dreamy one-pagers, word-dizzy roller coasters. With new stories from the Vurt cycle and other revelations, including the discovery of an 'off' switch for the human body this newly revised edition marks the first time that Pixel Juice has been made available digitally.

Pixel Juice edition by Jeff Noon Literature Fiction eBooks

If you enjoy Jeff Noon, you will love Pixel Juice. There are a lot of tie-ins to the world of VURT, Pollen and Nymphomation here, from the subtle to the overt. There's also a generous helping of brilliantly told random short stories - this is the best kind of anthology because it feels like you're being given a peek into the mind of one of the most creative storytellers of our time.

Product details

  • File Size 1103 KB
  • Print Length 350 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Jeff Noon (July 15, 2012)
  • Publication Date July 15, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Pixel Juice  edition by Jeff Noon Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Pixel Juice - Kindle edition by Jeff Noon. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Pixel Juice.,ebook,Jeff Noon,Pixel Juice,Jeff Noon,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Short Stories
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Pixel Juice edition by Jeff Noon Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

This book just blew me away. I think it is the most astounding piece of writing it has ever been my privilege to read. To be honest, I think that it probably benefits from reading a bit of Noon's stuff previously, as it gives you some background information on characters that you have met already, which is always nice. But it does so much more than that. The way that at the end of a story, he might tell the whole thing again, but in haiku, is just an example of his wordplay, with a word used as much for it's rhythm and feel as for it's actual definition.
I hate short stories. Can't abide them, even by my favourite authors. They are normally so uninvolving, only trying to shock you, because it's the easiest emotion to inspire. Not so with this. I can't extol the virtues of this book enough. Read this book or die.
The first half of the book contains some very short stories. So short that they are almost experiments with words - not to everyones taste but fans of Vurt and Pollen will get a idea of where Jeff Noons amazing prose comes from.
The second half of the book couldn't be more different. Story follows story set in the Vurt universe that gradually draw you in. We get a glimpse of Celia Hobart starting out on her great journey, Shadow cops and Shadows mix and jeff Noons fantastic writing grips you to the end.
I enjoyed the humour and inventiveness of this book and would recommend it fans and non-fans alike.
Pixel Juice is a collection of 50 short stories, all pulled screaming from the swirling psychadelicatessen that is Jeff Noon's brain. Actually, "stories" isn't right; certainly, some of them are straight narrative tales, but then there's the instruction booklet to "PIMP! - The Boardgame", (social satire disguised as a family game) or the memo titled "Product Recall Marylin Monroe" (which combines futuristic sex toys with strange viruses). Noon uses just about every narrative construct under the sun stream-of-conciousness, first-second-and-third person perspectives; poetry, prose, letters, journals - all are used by Noon to transcribe the apparently endless flood of ideas which collect in his brain.
Pixel Juice also rewards those who re-read the book; there are word games which ring a big smug smile to the face when they're figured out (see how quickly you decipher "Metaphorazine" or "Alphabox"). There are references between stories; the young lad in "Junior Pimp" mentions that pimping is just like a game - tying in to "PIMP! - The Boardgame". That story makes reference to "Fetish Booth #7" and the lead character of FB #7 is mentioned in several of the other tales. Things like this keep the reader darting back through the book and smiling every time they spot a connection. Heck, there's even a poem towards the end of the book which sums up the stories so far and takes the mick out of the author! Everywhere you turn, there's a surprise an a twist, from the almost conventional horror story to the dreamlike beginning and end tales.
And contrary to what some have said, prior knowledge of Noon's other work isn't entirely neccessary. Although there are some stories which are set firmly in the Vurt universe, it's pretty easy for the reader to catch up with what's happening.
Love the way Jeff Noon crafts such a real yet unreal world. You become a part of the chaos and it swallows the right up
Jeff Noon is a madman. Neil Gaiman without the pathos, cyberpunk without the tech, sex, drugs and music. Romps into strange worlds, recurring motifis, Non DJ's with the language of words and rhythm. Exceptional. I need more. The Vurt series and this are not enough.
i might be a bit biased since i'm a huge fan of what i guess you'd call alternative SF, and also a mathemetician by training, so this heady combination of PKD, all of my other favorite SF authors, and riddles is approximately equivalent to "sex in a bottle", for this reader at least. LOL. but regardless, any sufficiently open minded and intelligent reader will still get something from this. it's probably more accessible w.r.t. style than the short stories of Philip K Dick, so yeah non nerds should read this too.
This book
You have to understand. Stories are often unwieldy and the first time I caught this book I was 16 years old I didn't understand it. It's mind blower.
Even now.

Do yourself a favour and read this book.
If you enjoy Jeff Noon, you will love Pixel Juice. There are a lot of tie-ins to the world of VURT, Pollen and Nymphomation here, from the subtle to the overt. There's also a generous helping of brilliantly told random short stories - this is the best kind of anthology because it feels like you're being given a peek into the mind of one of the most creative storytellers of our time.
Ebook PDF Pixel Juice  edition by Jeff Noon Literature  Fiction eBooks

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